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What Do Our Clients Say About Us?


dog training kansas city
Yours is the best training method I have ever used.


Yours is the best training method I have ever used. Loving leadership and the right equipment makes all the difference. Sammie responds well and trusts me. I'm loving having a dog that wants to please me.

Thank you so much, Ken and Lisa. You have been so helpful, supportive and encouraging.

- Becky F.

German Shepherds Ellie and Lewis, with their boys, after dog training
dog training kansas city
Exactly what we were looking for in obedience training


Both Ellie and Louis are doing so well, and we are so proud of them. Thanks to you guys, they are very well behaved and polite when we have company. The "Whistle and the Missile" trick works so well!!!


We have gone on "off leash" walks with only the remote collars. They are very obedient. Once we saw some deer about 50 yards away. Both dogs got pretty excited but looked at me as if to ask what they should do. I said, "Leave it!" and they continued on the walk with me. That is exactly what we were looking for in obedience training.


They don’t terrorize the neighborhood anymore, which is wonderful!


-  Dave L.

dog training kansas city
Just passed his Canine Good Citizen test on the first try, with flying colors!


Wanted to let you know that Nero just passed his Canine Good Citizen test on the first try, with flying colors! The evaluator remarked on how he met strange people and dogs with poise and good manners.

Thank you!!! We couldn't have done it without all your help.

-  Susan J.

dog training kansas city
Thank you for giving me the tools to deal with the situation.


You know the problems we’ve had with Darby’s aggressive behavior. I wanted to share a success story with you.

Last night Darby came inside with a freshly killed rabbit in her mouth. My first reaction was to yell at her and drag her outside. Before I said or did anything, I thought about your training: “Be a calm and assertive leader.”

I called Darby to me and firmly gave her the command to “Drop it.” Wonders never cease; she immediately dropped the rabbit. When she went to pick it back up, I gave the command to “Leave it,” and she stopped. She tried once more, but then obeyed and sat away from the rabbit.

If I had yelled and carried on, my other dogs might have gotten involved and fought over the rabbit. I would have had to tear the rabbit away from all of them. It could have been a huge mess. Thank you for giving me the tools to deal with the situation.

- Mike M.

dog training kansas city
We weren't sure Maverick was going to make it


Six months ago, we weren't sure Maverick was going to make it another week in our home. But here we are celebrating his 1st birthday!


We are still so grateful and thankful for your help in saving Maverick.


- Brent & Amie B.

dog training kansas city
GREAT results!


I have been using your training techniques for a month or so with GREAT results!

Just had a garage sale and kept the dogs outside with me. I was looking for training opportunities (“no bark” training with whistle/missile). So many people commented on how well behaved my dogs were – especially that they were quiet and didn't bark. I passed your name on to many people. We have a lot more training to do, but I am encouraged. Thank you for our success so far!

- Merrijane E.

Small changes in our behavior have turned Boss into a calmer dog.


Thank you for making your video available to us dog owners. My fiancé and I own a 110-pound, 14 month old German shepherd puppy (if you can call him that).

It’s not that he was bad, but he thought he was the boss. Funny thing is his name IS Boss! With your video we’ve learned techniques to show him who REALLY is the boss.

We have only had the video for 4 days. The German Shepherds is such a smart breed that small changes in our behavior have turned Boss into a much calmer and more respectful dog. I know the full process will take much longer, but seeing the quick turn around in Boss makes me excited to see what the future holds. Again, we really appreciate and thank you for your help.

-  Jordan L.

dog training kansas city
Jordan's German Shepherd having fun in the snow after dog training
dog training kansas city
Thank you for educating us and making this successful!


We just wanted to sincerely thank Ken for the support and guidance he gave both to us and to Siena. By the third session, Siena was able to nicely greet and walk beside one of your dogs.


She has since enjoyed us taking the lead and become a wonderful, perfectly behaved member of the family. We are thrilled with Siena's new outlook and would highly recommend Gentle Dog to any of our friends. Thank you for educating us and making this successful!


- Laurel & Fred T.

dog training kansas city
You gave us the guidance we needed.


We thank God everyday that we found you and let you take Charlie in hand. You gave us the guidance we needed to keep him on the right track.

Charlie is an amazingly well behaved dog. He isn't jumping on frequent visitors or us anymore. He might try to jump on a new guest - just once. After he gets the consequences, he’s done.
Charlie is doing great at the lake, too. Many times we’re not even using the gentle remote collar; he minds without it. On a big weekend, or when we have guests down, we still put it on – just in case. Having it on seems to be enough.

Last weekend, our neighbors had their dog and all their grandchildren down. In the past, Charlie would have spent the whole time on a chain, but now he is good as gold. He didn’t even bat an eye as kids on bikes and ATVs zoomed up and down the road all day.

Charlie and the neighbors’ German shepherd LOVE to play. The two had a good time rough housing in the vacant lot between our houses. When the other dog had to go home, Charlie started to follow. I let him know he’d gone far enough with the touch of a button. He came right back, never crossing the property line.  

Thanks again for giving us back a great dog.

-  Ronda and Judy

dog training kansas city
Techniques are simple, effective and work very quickly.


I adopted Titan from Ken and Lisa, who patiently worked with me to learn how to become Titan's leader. (They already had done a lot of training with him).


Titan is amazingly well behaved. He receives lots of compliments from friends and strangers about his manners in pretty much any setting or situation. Ken and Lisa have really impressed me with their knowledge and the system of training they have developed. In my experience, their techniques are simple, effective and work very quickly. They really know what they’re doing.

- Nick B.

Nick's dog Titan playing ball after dog training
dog training kansas city
We really appreciate all of your extra effort to make sure we have everything we need.


Wanted to tell you how pleased we are with Butters and your training. Renny and I really appreciate all of your extra effort to make sure we have everything we need. We will definitely recommend you - to all our friends.

- Mark & Renny A.

dog training kansas city
Hammy came back from Board and Train “boot camp” a different dog.


Hammy is the best dog in the world. He honestly is amazing. But a year ago, he was driving me up the wall.

I had a baby, a kid with a busy schedule and a NAUGHTY puppy.


  • Hammy wouldn't come when called, and we couldn't catch him. It drove me bonkers. We had to leave him alone in the yard a couple of times.

  • He was horrible on the leash and ran away when I tried to leash him.

  • He compulsively barked and bit the same tree in our yard.

  • Worst of all, I just didn't feel connected to him, and he probably knew it.


I understood dog training was the answer. We weren’t newbies – we’d trained our former dog to end her behavior issues. But I felt that I didn't have the time to bring Hammy up to speed. Enter Ken and Lisa Baechtold from Gentle Dog

Hammy came back from two weeks at Board and Train “boot camp” a different dog. We followed up with our exercises at home, and he's stayed an amazing dog. I trust his recall 100%. He walks well off-leash and stopped barking at the tree. We’re a connected family.

German Shepherd Hammy calmly awaiting play time after dog training

Hammy has brought joy to so many kids. A year ago, Hammy jumped on them because he was too excited to play. He now acts appropriately with kids big and small. While we always supervise Hammy with children, I trust him with any who visit. Some ask to come over just to play with Hammy.
Thank you for your work and dedication to dogs.

- Ali F.

dog training kansas city
We always wanted to adopt a rescue dog. You showed us how – and stuck with us while our family “blended.”


Three years after the death of our Labradoodle, we knew he'd left a hole in our hearts. It was time for a new dog.

As if by fate, a photo started popping up on my Facebook page, shared and reshared by friends. A deaf Australian Shepherd mix needed a forever home. Was this our dog?

We'd always wanted to adopt a rescue. Our boys were old enough to cooperate with training. And friends raved about the trainers who’d fostered and rehabilitated this dog. I made an appointment to meet him - and Ken and Lisa Baechtold.

I could tell Ken was skeptical as we stepped into the training yard. So I trusted him from the start. He wasn’t going to guilt me into adopting the wrong dog. He wanted to find the right match for this challenging pup.

Apparently, we met the test. We took home Ken and Lisa’s “wild child” – renamed Buddy - knowing we had their full support. They visited after our first night together to be certain all was well. They texted and Facebook messaged to check in. When we called or emailed with questions, they got right back to us. With their help, this once troubled dog became a great addition to our family.
We were so comfortable with Gentle Dog that we returned to their Facebook page – and kennels - to find Buddy a “brother.” We adopted Captain Crunch, a Chow/Golden mix. Again, Ken and Lisa stuck with us while our family “blended.”

More than a year later, we can’t imagine life without Buddy and Captain. Their well-mannered behavior keeps drawing new friends into their fan club.


Buddy and Captain are smart, happy dogs – but independent and strong-willed, too. They wouldn’t fit into our family if Ken and Lisa hadn’t lovingly fostered and trained them. And if they hadn’t supported us while we learned how to make our forever family work.

- Susan H.

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Peculiar MO, 64078​

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 (Just 10 minutes from Belton MO and 20 minutes from Overland Park KS

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